In loving memory of my mom
Adelene Prisby
October 30, 1924 ~ September 19, 2014
Our mom was strong, bouncing back from everything life threw at her, enduring pain like no one else. She was asked many times, by doctors and therapists - "on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain?" and whether she answered "less than one" or "about seven or eight" her delivery was pretty much the same. Aches and pains? She said you had to go thru them, you had to deal with them in life.
And so here we are. My pain is a ten. And there's no hiding it.
I want her here... with me... selfishly I can seem to go nowhere else right now. But I know she prayed her whole life to be where she is now... with God.
I wonder about Heaven's gardens... are there weeds to pull, flowers to deadhead? At first I thought, no, it's Heaven - they would be pristine, unimaginable displays... but I'm thinking maybe they are just what she would have hoped for, glorious but also something she could nurture and tend to.
For as far back as my memory still allows I see her gardens. Flower gardens were her passion, and so everywhere she lived was left a more beautiful place. To live a full life and leave the world more beautiful - that is something we could all strive for.